- GRI 102-18 Governance structure
At the time this report was published, non-financial aspects, sustainability performance indicators, and ESG (environment, social, governance) information belonged to Christine Scheffler’s Executive Board department. During the reporting period, they were assigned to the area of responsibility of the Deputy CEO/Group General Counsel. In implementing the sustainability strategy, the Group has also taken various measures to expand the sustainability organization and enhance the governance structures.
Sustainability organization
In 2019, a Sustainability Board was set up. It forms a centralized and interdisciplinary body for managing, monitoring, and developing the sustainability strategy. The Sustainability Board is consisting of managers and specialists from relevant central functions and operating divisions as well as a works council representative. In 2019 it was chaired by the Deputy CEO, but since March 2020, it has been chaired by Executive Board member and Chief Human Resources Officer Christine Scheffler. The Sustainability Board met three times in 2019. In May 2019, the sustainability strategy and the Board’s charter were discussed and adopted. At the meeting in July, key topics included the UN Global Compact and the sustainable marketing model Media4Sustainability. At the meeting in October, guests were invited, and additional project ideas were presented.
In January 2020, a separate sustainability department (the Corporate Sustainability Office) headed by the Chief Sustainability Officer was also established. The Corporate Sustainability Office is responsible for the coordination, implementation, and communication of sustainability activities and for stakeholder dialog.
“In the Corporate Sustainability Office, our goal is to implement sustainability as an integral management concept in all Group divisions of ProSiebenSat.1. Sustainable management as the basis for all our business decisions should form part of our sense of identity. We have set ourselves ambitious goals as part of our sustainability strategy, with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as guidance. We know that we can do even better – and we are working on this with full commitment. Our approach is to get started and continuously keep developing. Sociopolitical discussion and dialog with relevant stakeholders is important, as only together can we achieve our global goals.”
Annette Kümmel,
Chief Sustainability Officer of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE
Organizationally speaking, the Compliance Management System (CMS) also covers certain topic areas for sustainability at ProSiebenSat.1 – such as prevention of corruption offenses and violations of antitrust law and the safeguarding of data protection and compliance with the provisions of the Interstate Broadcasting Agreement under media law. A major aim is to anchor integrity and lawful conduct in the thoughts and actions of all employees on a lasting basis and hereby prevent violations of laws and regulations from the outset. The Executive Board of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE has overall responsibility for CMS as the parent company of ProSiebenSat.1 Group. The Compliance Board and the Group Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) assist the Executive Board in implementing, monitoring and improving the CMS. The CCO is responsible for implementing the CMS in the Group, carries out risk analyses and training, and advises the Executive Board on the development and implementation of appropriate risk mitigation measures. Unit Compliance Officers (UCOs) are also appointed for Group companies and are responsible for the CMS at their asset.
“We stand for openness and honesty. However, we are not only concerned with compliance, but also with responsible behavior – especially in everyday life when handling data or intellectual property, as well as in competition or the protection of minors.“
Moritz Graf von Merveldt,
Chief Compliance Officer of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE
Compliance organization
Since 2011, the Group has placed its public value activities in a larger social context and underscored their relevance for the Group by establishing an Advisory Board. The body with interdisciplinary members chaired by Bavaria’s former minister president Dr. Edmund Stoiber advises ProSiebenSat.1 Group on relevant social, ethical, and media-policy issues and provides impetus especially on topics such as education and culture. This includes communicating political information and encouraging political participation, especially among young viewer groups. In 2019, the Advisory Board met three times, including one extraordinary meeting regarding ProSiebenSat.1 Group’s activities in the run up to the European election, which the Advisory Board considered particularly relevant in the context of the Group’s public value measures. In addition to the Advisory Board members, these meetings were attended by members of the Executive Board and other decision-makers in the Group.
“Broadcasting must live up to its responsibilities – this has always been part of ProSiebenSat.1’s DNA. And on top of this, ProSiebenSat.1 as a commercial enterprise has also succeeded in putting its global responsibility into practice in a strategy and targeted measures. The Advisory Board has supported this development right from the start. I am impressed by how fast and thoroughly the company is acting on this.”
Dr. Edmund Stoiber,
Chairman of the Advisory Board of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE